Thursday, March 3, 2011

When You're In Liberia You...

... eat pineapple with dinner every night. Walk by the sea daily. Swim in the ocean. Hear the beat of drums and church music in the morning. Walk through overcrowded, smelly markets. Allow children the opportunity to never let me forget my gender and how "white" I really am. Ride over bumpy roads and pray for traffic to be "ok." Play lazy dominoes on Sunday. Sing "hallelujah" over and over. Play with kids who don't have anyone to play with. Enjoy deep conversation over steaming pots of french press. Pick up sea-shells with random folks. Go for morning runs. Eat Debbie's amazing popcorn... (only she is allowed to make). Spend quality time with God. Play with our dog "One-Love." Say sorry-o to a random man from "Sierra-Leone" confessing undying love and tell me "You don't understand, you are just too white to understand my love." Yeah. Write and read all about the wonders of God's nature. Teach kid's how to draw, paint and use their 'creative-side.' SWEAT-A-LOT. Take cold showers. Bucket flush. Dream about future business opportunities with amazing orphan directors. Feel your daddy's presence as He pours out His love on you, then go out and help kids see the same! Life is truly amazing here in Liberia.

I'm one month in, and It's been a delightful journey! It has been full of consistent surrendering, learning, loving, eating, enjoying, laughing and hoping for God's BIG DREAM to be revealed more in every person I meet. I'm excited for the next month to begin! Thanks for all your prayers and love friends. I cannot begin to say how I know they are working and heavily "felt." I be-missin'-you all!