Everyone has a big dream, not many choose to follow this dream. What is your Big Dream? Most choose not to follow it from discouragement and still comfortable living in the land of familiar. Many choose not to follow it because of circumstances which appear to be giants or mountains. . In our age, "Time and Money."
These are not giants. They are only little bumps in the road.
I have a Big Dream. I have a dream to help many children in Africa come to know their Name, Dream, and Destiny. The road is long and hard to accomplishing this well. I am choosing this journey. Will you join me?
What is your Big Dream? Are you choosing to jump into the river of unfamiliar? Are you ready to pay off college loans the next then years to accomplish it? Are you ready to occasionally forgo your 'food budget' to get there? Are you ready to say good-bye to dear friends and family to get there? Probably not!! However, it's worth it to see the Big Dream come true!
So jump. Lets do it together. The waterfall is big!
I'm Moving to Seattle, then Africa... to get one step further to this goal!
What are you doing to get to yours? Everything in your power?
Africa awaits me. Thousands of children await God. Here we come. Together.
- What are your dreams?
- Davy Desmond
i like your dream...